Ascension Support Sessions
Ascension Support Sessions
Working on our own, it can be difficult to sort out the progression, symptoms, lessons and levels we are experiencing on this incredible journey. You may be having trouble clearing your own field, integrating the energy shifts you’re experiencing – or you may be doing too much. You may be wanting some channeled guidance to inform your experience.
If all this sounds right, then these sessions are for you. They are a combination of guidance and energetic clearing work that is completely personalized for who you are.
You are everyday people who have landed on the ascension path. The journey can be challenging, exhilarating, time-consuming and incredibly powerful.
These sessions involve work specific to your ascension path and are not focused on your day-to-day earth life priorities. Whether you are struggling with integrating the energies, are increasing your vibrational frequency, or are seeking to clarify your role as a wayshower, gatekeeper or collective gridworker, these sessions will meet you on that journey. We’ll see how you’re doing with your initiations, light quotient building, and karmic balance. If you’re taking on too much, or moving too fast, we’ll look at that too.
The result? A clear sense of where you are in the ascension path and powerful support on the journey. You won’t be alone.
How to Book Sessions
To arrange a session, you can click here. Make sure when you schedule it, that you have a little time to yourself before and after the session.
You can also send an email to Leslie at or call 678-665-3366.
If you’re wondering what type of sessions would be best for you, you can also schedule a complimentary 10-minute consultation.
Sessions are conducted by phone or Skype, unless Leslie is local at the time you both arrange a face to face.
Session length: 75 minutes
Rate: $500 for four, $150 for one
Questions & Answers
Ascension in its simplest form is the integration of light into our physical form. It is also the merger between our soul, our personality and our Mighty I Am Presence. There are many levels to ascension and most people talk in terms of planetary ascension. We are continuously increasing our light quotient, but also developing mastery in the spiritual, psychological and physical aspects of ourselves.
The symptoms are numerous and sometimes they can be quite intense. We may be feeling exhausted, have headaches, have ringing in our ears, even a sense of depression. We may have shifted and then experience the symptoms for a few days afterwards. This is the integration of light frequency in our field. We’re not going crazy, but it is important to stay grounded.
Working on our own, it can difficult to sort out the progression, symptoms, lessons and levels we are experiencing on this incredible journey. You may be having trouble clearing your own field, integrating the energy shifts you’re experiencing – or you may be doing too much. You may be wanting some channeled guidance to inform your experience. This session will help you with all of that.
Some of us come into this lifetime with a heavy karmic load that is ready for transmuting. Or our buttons are getting pushed in terms of our fear, insecurities, and negative ego. We’re being asked to develop mastery in areas where we might be weak. The good news is we don’t do this journey alone. And, when we shift, we start attracting better.
I can help. There is some marvelous information available about the process of ascension and it’s best not to stay in the dark about it. Understanding your processes, the clearing of your field, the initiations and even your patterns can help you in your journey. I can help calm some of the symptoms you are experiencing and also help determine what may be causing you difficulties.
In this session, we’ll talk about what is coming up for you. We’ll bring in guidance and the higher vibrational energies of of the Ascended Masters and light beings. We’ll channel in guidance and information relevant to your experience. We’ll shift any places where the energy is stuck or blocking your next steps.
These sessions involve work specific to your ascension path and are not focused on your day-to-day earth life priorities. Whether you are struggling with integrating the energies, are increasing your vibrational frequency, or are seeking to clarify your role as a wayshower, gatekeeper or collective gridworker, these sessions will meet you on that journey. We’ll see how you’re doing with your initiations, light quotient building, and karmic balance. If you’re taking on too much, or moving too fast, we’ll look at that too.
We can remove them if you are wanting them to be removed. Sometimes we have opened up our field to compromising energies either because they came from loved ones or those we trusted. Some of us played with energies and allowed our field to get violated. Others of us may have opened portals we shouldn’t have. We are not helpless. I will help you clear these out then support you in standing better in your own power.
Leslie does not diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychological condition of any type, nor does she claim to perform any type of mental or emotional health therapy. Her work shall not be construed as medical or psychological advice, implied or otherwise. Information on this website is intended to be for informational purposes. Results of energetic healing sessions may vary. They are designed to promote wellness, clarity, improved energetic resonance and empowerment. Please check with your medical or mental/emotional health professional before changing any of their recommendations for treatment.